"In their hands, the wise LEAN on a great force." - Choose the five paintings in which someone has a staff.Starting from the top row, left to right, this includes: #2, #3, #6, #8, #9. "The power they wielded CUT down their enemies." - Choose the five paintings in which there are swords."This MONSTER did not come from man." - Highlight the flaming ball in the hand of one of the guys on the right."The flames from its throat POKE out their eyes." - Highlight the swords of the soldiers in the far background."Leading the YOUNG to their end." - Highlight the head of the soldier crouching and facing to the left."Its open MOUTH delivers the kiss of death." - Highlight the barrel of the bazooka strapped to the soldier's back and ID it.In the third picture with Gandhi, the apple is on Gandhi's right side, below his shoulder.In the second picture with Houdini, the apple is directly below Houdini's right hand.In the first picture with Roosevelt, the apple is on the table.Activate infrared and highlight the hidden apple in each picture to ID it.The portraits are very easy to see-we suggest starting with a face, moving it to the top of the circle and then lining everything else up from there. You simply need to rotate the circles so that they form pictures.